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- Livin'Life - 生活小品 -
a BUG for the market boom

Last week, my few friends who are stock enthusiast found out that there was a bug with one of the popular trading system that had being used by many major investment banks. No wonder that many red quarter reports all had been turned green. Eventhough my housemie’s respectful guru also did a mistake investment based on the faulty report that shown in the system. =.=”

I informed my dealer about the software bug on Friday, and she returned me that their IT department has actually discovered that 2 days ago, and they have reported to the vendor.

Hoho, let’s see below for the bug screen shot from the system. The latest quarter report on the column of P/L and EPS were actually showing the same from the previous year quarter. =.=”





Last modified on 2009-05-31